How to get your sh*t together and change your life.

“I want to make some big changes in my life, but I struggle to start.  How do you take that first step?”

So you want to change your life hey?  Well, the good news is that you’ve already accomplished STEP ONE purely by acknowledging that there are changes to be made. This is arguably the hardest part since it can often be confronting and uncomfortable in itself. 

STEP TWO: Just DO Something.  Anything.

By taking one small, actionable step, you will elicit feelings of accomplishment that will gather momentum and ultimately inspire you to keep going. As Mark Manson says in his book The Subtle Art Of Not Giving A Fuck, “Action isn’t just the effect of motivation; it’s also the cause of it.”  Not motivated to train? Just pop your active wear on and commit to 5 minutes of stretching.  Chances are you’ll keep going.  Got writers block?  Open a new word document and just write a title or some random thoughts.  Chances are those thoughts will inspire new ones.  Avoiding cleaning your house? Just do one chore.  Chances are you’ll think, “F*ck it, I’ve started now – I may as well keep going.” Want a new job? Start updating your CV. Put a profile up on LinkedIn.  You never know what or who is just around the corner. Nike really hit the nail on the head when they said “Just Do It”, because one thing’s for sure – if you don’t start, you’ll never finish. And some of my biggest opportunities for change have come about purely because I became open to seeing them.

STEP THREE: Invest in an Expert

Take the stress out of the situation and invest in advice from someone who has achieved success in your field, and who understands what is required for you to reach your goal. Being overwhelmed by information (paralysis by analysis) can kill a goal before it’s even got off the ground. It will also give you accountability, and the confidence to execute your plan. “Great coaches have great coaches.”

STEP FOUR: Goals are great but habits are better

What’s the point of chasing an outcome if you absolutely hate the process? You might want a competition ready physique, but chances are you won’t end up with one unless you really learn to somewhat enjoy going to the gym or calculating your macros.  Instead of focusing on the goal itself, focus on creating and implementing some of the healthy habits - that you enjoy and will consequently adhere to - that will inevitably lead you to the goal and beyond.  I achieved sobriety, not by focusing on cutting out alcohol, but by choosing to commit to Half Ironman training, and gaining a passion for it in the process.

STEP FIVE: Create an environment of inevitability

All this means is that you consciously make it more difficult for yourself not to do something than to do it. If getting fit is the goal, invest in a personal training package and pay up front – the pain of wasting all that money will most likely outweigh the pain of getting off your ass and going to the gym. And if food is your achilles heel, not buying that packet of salted caramel Tim Tams will mean they’re not in the house for you to try not to eat.

STEP SIX: It’s their shit not your shit

Change isn’t just confronting for the person changing.  It can be uncomfortable for the people witnessing the change, especially if they feel like you’re indirectly challenging their own lifestyle choices.  When I quit drinking, I lost “friends” overnight because I had eliminated one of the biggest things that had connected us in the first place.  The friends I have now love #UberAlexa and are at the bar getting me a drink of water before I’ve even had to ask. If your circle isn’t celebrating and supporting you to be your best self, get a new circle.

STEP SEVEN: Repeat after me.

“I am a f*cking unstoppable force of nature. I have everything I need for success. Procrastination can kiss my awesome ass.”

